A downloadable tool for Windows and Linux

Hello ladies and gentlemen, this apilcation meant to enable you to do sicience experiments with particles in a virtual enverioment even though it is not that powerfull yet. So feel free to submit your ideas. Also at the time I am writing this, this aplication is in version 1_1 and first number is major, secon number is minor version. The minor updates are simple, one or more GUI element like a Number Variable will be odd in each new version. Major versions are the following: 0 Testing Version  1 World Update   2 GUI Update  3 I Don't know yet. Testing version was where I tested basic particle interactions. With the world update I odd a virtual world to build your laboratory. In GUI Update I am planning on making a delicated API inside of java to handle the GUI and languages. 

Source code's link: https://github.com/LineBreaker30113/lbParticleSimulators

For now:

The "Audience" has no use.

By now:

Number and Point Variables

Plain Rectangle Field

Horrizontal and Vertical Repelling Borderlines

Basic Particle type

File handle

File Loader: Loades A file and and position's the things that loaded relative to the Load Center

Fielded Saver: Saves every GUI element that has it's center inside of a the specified field. for saving particles you have to save particle types and when you do it every particle of that type is saved. also there is a Point Variable called "save center", every GUI element is saved relative to that point variable.


For moving use the wasd.

For opening controll panel use back space.

You can zoom in and out with mouse wheel.

Common buttons:

rename: renames but for now the name you write is not shown

move: enables you to move gui element with arrow keys but you can still grab it with mouse

delete: completely removes element

show: it will display the result of element if everything is ready

pick: stores the element as the global element, there is one global element for each type (Variable, Field, Audience, Borderline, Particle Type)

put: takes the global element of the specific type for the reason it is wirtten (you can put same element to infinitely different targets)

change: enables you to change the variable with arrow keys

set: enables you to type something to set a value (for now it doesn't display the command you type)

is: Changes a boolean value (true or false) delicated about whats written next to it

Lastly the for scrolling the "main interface" use arrow keys to go up and down, it also allow you to hold any arrow keys, use left arrow key on the title of page to return to father GUI section, use right arrow key to do the action.


lbParticleSimulator_v0 34 kB

Install instructions

For the current releases you don't need to do something complicated. Only think you need is java.

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